Senior DevOps Engineer

OpsTree Solutions
4 - 6 years
Bangalore, Delhi / NCR

Job Description

DevOps / Cloud

About Company

About OpsTree Solutions: OpsTree is a DevSecOps movement that is growing very fast. OpsTree has been recognized among “20 most promising DevOps solutions provider-2018” – by CIO Review India. We are a 250+ team of DevOps Consultants – instrumental in uncomplicating DevOps and Security in almost all challenging areas of DevOps. More than 50+ startups, mid-size enterprises and big behemoths are relying on our capabilities to ensure that their ships keep sailing without any turbulence. Our Product: "Buildpiper" - Our Unified Microservices application delivery platform, that enables the dockerized code to be deployed to production immediately with all the required Observability, security and compliance baked in. Our website: Blog: LinkedIn : YouTube

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